Advance was approached to evaluate Marks and Spencer’s Simply Food refrigeration lighting. The goal was to achieve a higher light level on chilled refrigeration cabinet shelves in comparison to their existing lighting solution.

Key facts
- 15% improvement in energy efficiency
- 7% improvement in light output
- 15% improvement in light quality
- Ara standard LED lightbar provided a cheaper alternative overall
The brief was to achieve a higher light level on chilled refrigeration cabinet shelves in comparison to Simply Food’s existing lighting solution.
Advance mapped and took light levels of the current lighting solution of an 8” seven shelf test cabinet. The cabinet was then replaced with Advance’s ‘Ara standard LED lightbar’ and again light levels were taken. Subsequently, two store trials took place at M&S Simply Food Leeds Central and Corby.
Following store trial, Advance returned to measure lights levels. The results showed a 15% improvement in energy efficiency (34W vs. 40W), a 7% improvement in light output (731 lumens vs. 683) and a 15% improvement in light quality.
With positive results, a report was produced recommending M&S switch to Advance’s ‘Ara standard LED lightbar’ product range. In conjunction, pricing was provided demonstrating a cheaper product solution.
Pleased with the results of the trials and a cheaper product solution, the product was approved by M&S and replaced in M&S Corby and Leeds Central.